Lake Seminole is our precious resource which attracts visitor spending that supports our communities.
Our Sponsors are equally precious and appreciated. Because of their support, our lake can be accessed and enjoyed by the thousands that support our communities.
BRONZE ($50-$99)
Talmadge & Judy Bennett
SILVER ($100-$499)
Sandra Spencer
Marc & Jill Fontaine
Joe Battles
Anne Edwards (125)
Martha Fowler (250)
Kay Strahan & Chuck Winnie
Tara & Tyrone Oliver
Rita & James Daugherty
GOLD ($500-$999)
Gary & Monica Purvis
April Penton & Deborah Dugger
Richard & Danna Reetz
Robert & Judy Godwin
Bryan & Sue Webb
Dean Smith
Owen & Becky Grimsley
Matthew & Robbie Harrison
Grant Vosburg
Georgina & Jay Luedecke
Robert Godwin
PLATINUM ($1000-$4999)
William & Marylin Dubois
Homer & Ruth Breckenridge III (2080)
Anonymous (5000)
BENEFACTOR (Unlimited $)
Edward C. Fogg, III & Lisbeth A. Fogg Charitable Trust (30,000)
Jeffrey S. Dickman Memorial ($1000)
Danny J. Thomas ($2,700)
In loving memory of Danny and all the good times.
He loved Lake Seminole and all the enjoyment it provided.
Website design, hosting and maintenance by WPTallahassee.