Grass Carp Stocking The stocking of the sterile grass carp to Ray’s Lake and Cypress Pond areas has finally happened. The olde saying “…better late than never!” could not be truer. A total of 18,000 grass carp were released in four deliveries, with fish ranging in size from 10” to 16”. Approximately 11,000 were released at the Cypress Pond boat ramp and 7,000 at the Ray’s Lake boat ramp. These carp were raised on fish food pellets so it will take them time to acclimate and learn a new diet. These fish are easily distinguished from the variety of suckers that netters seek by the shape of their mouths. If caught, please release so they can do the job they were hired to do.
Collaborative Action Plan implementation is underway beginning April 18th to improve residential access and recreation (see Plans).
Cuban bulrush Task Force meeting monthly with spraying underway. March spraying limited by high winds and weather, but some success up Spring Creek and Flint River. Efforts continue.
Carp gate electrification complete and stocking now scheduled for the end of May.
Channel marker installation complete, but more missing markers are being identified.
Water flow monitoring stations installed on the Chattahoochee for Boston College researchers.
The ACF Rivers Project awarded $15 million for lock repairs on Lake Seminole and $18 million for Walter F. George.
The Environmental Research and Development Center (ERDC) will receive $500,000.00 for invasives research on Lake Seminole. Thank you, Congressman Bishop!
Six Collaborative Action Plans approved to improve residential access and recreation (see Plans).
Task Force proposal approved and formed to address Cuban bulrush with target date of mid-March for implementation.
Carp gate electrification and stocking scheduled the first part of March.