The stocking of 18,000 sterile grass carp by the Corps of Engineers marked the end of the collaborative action plans for 2023. Although everything did not go quite as planned (Murphy’s Law), as you can see from the summary page more was accomplished this year than at any time in the past. It was an educational process, and much was learned so we can have continuous improvement in 2024. As we accomplish our financial goals in 2024, we will be able to deliver more than 10 times the results.
Note: The multiple numbers in the totals for Boat Docks reflects multiple treatments for some docks.
Primary Treatment: Submersible spraying scheduled after May 8th.
Impact: ~50 acres and 60 boat docks.
The collaborative treatment of Fairchild’s Slough was delayed because of turbid water caused by weather. Treatment is now scheduled for the week of July 16th pending appropriate water conditions.
Lakeshore Drive, Decatur County- Lakeshore Drive was not part of the original collaborative action plans. However, residents financially supporting Stewards of Lake Seminole have made it possible for the Stewards to treat this area beginning the week of July 16th (weather permitting).
Primary Treatment: Grass carp stocking now anticipated end of May.
Secondary Treatment: Submersible treatment around (~64) boat docks and treatment of Cuban bulrush completed April 21st.
Primary Treatment: Grass Carp stocking now anticipated end of May.
Secondary Treatment: Cypress Pond Cuban bulrush treated April 19th.
Hickory and Turkey Pond boat docks (~65) treated for submersibles and Cuban bulrush on April 20th. Cypress pond submersibles around (~116) boat docks the week of May 1st weather permitting.
Impact: Approx. 181 boat docks
Our Federal Government procurement system has created delays in the timely procurement of the Grass Carp by the Corps missing the targeted May stocking date. Currently the water temperature in the lake is too high for a successful stocking and will have to be delayed until later this year. The result for residents is that the secondary treatment of spraying, which was only supposed to have a temporary impact until the primary treatment of grass carp could be realized, has resulted in less than planned results for these two areas.
Primary Treatment: Spraying with Procellacor completed April 18-20th. Cuban bulrush treated April 19th.
Impact: ~100 acres and 81 boat dock.
The collaborative treatment of this area with the Corps, using Procellacor, to restore recreational use for the summer has been successful. Hydrilla and other invasives were temporarily eliminated. Varieties of Pondweed were impacted, but not killed and are now growing in the open spaces. A treatment with Aquathol K will be used to manage the Pondweed when water temperatures cool to the 55-60 degree range.
Primary Treatment: Spraying
Submersible spraying and Cuban bulrush will be scheduled to start after May 8th.
Impact: Approx. 89 boat docks. Treatment of this area was successful.
See the Cuban bulrush Task Force Update for more information.
Primary Treatment: Spraying
Corps treatment of Cuban bulrush started week of April 17th. Procellacor submersible treatments scheduled week of May 1st.
Submersible treatment around (~60) boat docks scheduled to start May 2nd followed by treatment of Cuban bulrush.
Impact: Approx. 60 Boat Docks & At Ease Marina.
Collaborative treatment of these areas with the Corps went as planned with very positive results. See the Cuban bulrush Task Force Update for more information.
Primary Treatment: Spraying with Procellacor completed April 18-20th.
Cuban bulrush treated April 19th.
Impact: ~100 acres and 81 boat dock
Primary Treatment: Grass Carp stocking now anticipated end of May.
Secondary Treatment: Cypress Pond Cuban bulrush treated April 19th.
Hickory and Turkey Pond boat docks (~65) treated for submersibles and Cuban bulrush on April 20th. Cypress pond submersibles around (~116) boat docks the week of May 1st weather permitting.
Impact: Approx. 181 boat docks
Primary Treatment-Spraying
Corps treatment of Cuban bulrush started week of April 17th. Procellacor submersible treatments scheduled week of May 1st.
Submersible treatment around (~60) boat docks scheduled to start May 2nd followed by treatment of Cuban bulrush.
Impact: Approx. 60 Boat Docks & At Ease Marina
Primary Treatment: Grass carp stocking now anticipated end of May.
Secondary Treatment: Submersible treatment around (~64) boat docks and treatment of Cuban bulrush completed April 21st.
Impact: Approx. 64 boat docks
Primary Treatment: Spraying
Submersible spraying and Cuban bulrush will be scheduled to start after May 8th.
Impact: Approx. 89 boat docks
Primary Treatment: Submersible spraying scheduled after May 8th.
Impact: ~50 acres and 60 boat docks.
Primary Treatment: Multiple Sprayings beginning in April.
Impact: Approx. 80 acres and 81 boat docks
Primary Treatment: Grass Carp stocking in March
Secondary Treatment: Spraying Cuban bulrush & non-edible species
Impact: Approx. 181 boat docks
Primary Treatment: Spraying
Impact: Approx. 60 Boat Docks & At Ease Marina
Primary Treatment: Grass Carp stocking in March.
Secondary Treatment: Spraying Cuban bulrush.
Impact: Approx. 64 boat docks
Primary Treatment: Spraying
Impact: Approx. 89 boat docks
Primary Treatment: Spraying
Impact: Approx. 50 acres and 60 boat docks
Additional Plans will be developed as funding grows towards $250,000 goal.
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