The collaboration agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) with the USACE provided for the joint development of the annual Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan. The recommendations provided by the Stewards of Lake Seminole have been incorporated in the 2023 Plan. The 2023 Plan provides for the collaborative treatment of specific areas to improve access for residential permit holders and users of our lake. Collaborative treatment means the USACE, and Stewards of Lake Seminole, will provide a coordinated treatment of the specified areas. Stewards of Lake Seminole will use a certified third-party contractor to treat around boat docks where the USACE will not treat. The (6) Action Plans target the treatment of 535 boat docks, representing ~80% of the docks on Lake Seminole. This will result in a more complete treatment of the designated areas and effective treatment outcomes. The primary focus of the Action Plans is improving access to the lake for recreation which will increase visitor spending to our communities. Implementation of these Plans, and the development of other Plans, is dependent upon sufficient funding for both the USACE and Stewards of Lake Seminole. Property owner and community support is needed to achieve our $250,000 goal and the results YOU want.
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