We, the undersigned constituents of the Second Congressional District and/or citizens of the United States, respectfully request funding for the Stewards of Lake Seminole Inc. in the amount of $840,000.00 to assist the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, ACF Rivers Projects- Operations and Maintenance group to fight invasive species restricting recreational access and devastating the economic potential of Lake Seminole to the communities. The Stewards of Lake Seminole Inc. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“Partnership”) with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dated January 26th, 2023, to help manage and control invasive species and restore aquatic ecosystems on Lake Seminole. The Stewards have provided leadership in securing funding, to fight invasive species like hydrilla, Cuban bulrush and many others by mechanical removal and chemical treatment. This work, in coordination with the Corps of Engineers and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, needs support to continue the successful results demonstrated to date. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.